Nanotechnology Companies

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3rdTech Inc.

Main Activity in Nanotechnology

Material Manufacturer

About Company

3rdTech is a foundry for new companies - 3rdTech is working to turn the most advanced technologies into leading edge products.

The Computer Science Department at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has one of the world's best computer graphics and virtual environments research efforts. The department also enjoys a world-class reputation in medical image analysis, networking, and hardware systems design, and has significant strengths in other areas. In addition to talented faculty and researchers, every year the department attracts some of the brightest and most creative graduate students from around the world. And there are many other technology development groups within the university with similar reputations and potential.

3rdTech is driven by the opportunities to build new businesses around these world-class technologies and this exceptional talent pool. We are leveraging these resources by creating a channel and a culture to enable the rapid development of new products and new businesses.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

3rdTech Inc.

2500 Meridian Parkway, Suite 150
NC, 27713 Durham

Phone: 1 (919) 361 2148

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