Nanotechnology Companies

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Main Activity in Nanotechnology

Material Manufacturer

About Company

Formerly known as Nanotechnologies, Inc., NovaCentrix is a materials and equipment manufacturer providing nano-enabled products, processes and solutions that encompass ink and photonic curing technology, nanoenergetic materials and anti-viral/microbial applications. NovaCentrix' silver can be found in FDA approved wound dressings and conductive inks that enable high-speed printing of electronic circuits on paper or plastic. Our aluminum particles offer the most controlled energy release enabling unique nanoenergetic applications for defense, pyrotechnics, and commercial explosives.

Leveraging our expertise in producing and processing some of the world's most sought after nano-metals, NovaCentrix provides integrated solutions that address the entire production process. From functionalizing particles and formulating inks, to producing and delivering equipment, NovaCentrix' proprietary technology offers our printable electronics, life sciences and energetics' customers exceptional value-driven solutions.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |


200-B Parker Drive, Suite 580
Texas, 78728 Austin

Phone: 1 (512) 491 9500

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