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Thin Film Electronics AB

About Company

Thin Film Electronics (TFE) is a Norwegian and Swedish company group that mainly works in the field of printed electronics.

By using the physical, chemical and electrical properties of advanced polymers TFE can add new functionality to printed products e.g. boxes or magazines.

Thin Film Electronics technology can be used in many different applications. For authenticity applications both covert and overt anti-counterfeit protection can be done.

TFE unique polymer memory technology can be used in any printed electronics application were a non volatile random access memory is preferred. E.g. to store information on the package that can later be displayed to the customer.

Business Concept

Thin Film Electronics is a research and development company. We pioneer a new technology in electronics based on the use of solution processable, smart materials. We focus on using this technology for large area, 3D memory and data-processing systems. Commercial production and marketing is pursued in collaboration with major industry partners on a licensing basis.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

Thin Film Electronics AB

Westmansgatan 27

Phone: +46 (13) 4602400

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