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MetNano Limited

About Company

Making Metallic Nanoparticles an Industrial Reality

MetNano has been created to develop and exploit large scale production of metallic nanoparticles. Our patented chemistries in combination with reactor engineering skills give us the capability to produce tonnage volumes of pure metal colloids.

Scalability, Mobility & Cost-Effectiveness

MetNano’s bulk production capability will enable many product developers in a wide variety of fields including, analytical biochemistry, drug  discovery, forensics, printing, electronics, diagnostics, coatings, medical devices etc. to realise their discoveries at a commercially realistic cost. Initially focussing on silver colloid uses including Surface Enhanced Laser Raman Spectroscopy, MetNano will enable the wider adoption of this material and associated technologies.

The reactor technology and chemistry is capable of significant scalability and mobility and as such can be installed on a client’s site to address JIT production at tonnage levels.

Quality Control

MetNano’s metallic nanoparticle production processes are all conducted under ISO9001 and 14001 quality control. Clients have the security of knowing all batches of our metallic nanoparticles will supplied with analytical data including particle size, UV-vis absorbance and where appropriate Laser Raman analysis all generated according to ISO recorded procedures.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

MetNano Limited

Lincoln, LN6 7DQ Rope Walk

Phone: +44 (0) 1234 567 899

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