Mechonics AG

Mechonics AG

MechOnics AG focuses on microsystem technology and mechatronic systems. Company offers solutions in the following areas: software for electronic controlling, piezo drives and micropositioner, related devices such as monomode coupler, electronics like motor controllers.

MechOnics, founded 2003 in Munich Germany, is a company with focus on microsystem technology. Especially it offers solutions in the areas: micropositioning, mechatronic systems, microsystem engineering, microsystem customization. Application samples are available in the following fields: chemistry, physics, business, biotechnology, electronics, basic research, vacuum, cryogenics and optics. High precision positioners are used in all of above mentioned applications. They achieve highest positioning accuracy up to the range of some nanometers as well as extremely uniform movements with the multi-phase drive DSP 50. Optical sensors are detecting optionally the movements and are allowing repeatability in the range of some nanometers. Hereby this piezo inertial drives are the ideal components for micro-/nano-indent-applications as well as for experiments in nano tribology. For example our smallest positioner MS15 is as an xyz combination used in various indenters. Piezo inertial drives are used in many fields of industry, in which parts have to positioned in the range of sub µm range. For example the micro positioner MS30 is used in many industrial lasers in positioning of optics

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

Mechonics AG

Technologiepark 21

Phone: +49 5251 1809 648

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