Nanotechnology Companies

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Main Activity in Nanotechnology

Material Manufacturer

About Company

MEMSCAP, the MEMS leader, provides innovative products and solutions based on micro-electromechanical systems, or MEMS. The company enables its customers in high-growth markets to incorporate strategic MEMS technology into their systems as a means of addressing critical technical and cost challenges. MEMS, or micro-systems, are microscopic mechanical systems that combine mechanical, optical, electromagnetic, thermic and fluidic elements with electronics on semi-conductor substrate electronics. They act as sensors able to identify physical parameters in their environment (pressure, acceleration, etc.) and/or actuators able to act on this environment.

MEMSCAP offers Standard Products that are components, modules or systems, as well as Custom Products. For Custom Products, our Group technology enables system providers who do not master MEMS, to incorporate our solutions to create new products, to improve integration, performance and reliability of existing products, and gives the key to mass production, miniaturisation, increased system speed, while reducing internal development cycles and accelerating significantly the products development cycles.

MEMSCAP solutions comprise components, modules and systems, IP elements, as well as design and manufacturing solutions. Our core business is the development and manufacturing of specific products and solutions based on MEMS.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |


Parc des Fontaines
38 926 Crolles Cedex Bernin

Phone: 33 (04) 76 92 85 00

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