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Exitech Inc.

Main Activity in Nanotechnology

Material Manufacturer

About Company

Exitech was founded in 1984 by Malcolm Gower and Phil Rumsby with the aim of developing the use of lasers for emerging industrial microfabrication tasks. Exitech headquarters are located in Oxford, England with subsidiaries in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA and Tokyo, Japan.

Exitech specialises in the use of lasers for micro and nanofabrication applications in industry and is now the world's leading supplier of pulsed laser processing systems that integrate together the laser source, beam delivery, diagnostics, parts handling, alignment and machine control. These tools are used for both production and R&D tasks in areas such as photolithography, micromachining, microdrilling, annealing, surface treatment, component marking, wire stripping, etc, in industries as diverse as semiconductor, microelectronics, telecoms, aerospace, automotive and biomedicine. Exitech is also the world's leading supplier of deep-uv (DUV) and extreme-uv (EUV) Microstepper tools used by the semiconductor industry to qualify new technology nodes in the manufacture of future generations of silicon chips.

The company has extensive laser and photon-based facilities for performing application development trials for potential users of micro and nanofabrication technologies. Of Exitech's 56,000 ft2 facilities in the UK, 25,000 ft2 are clean room areas dedicated to customer applications development and systems manufacturing. Since 1987 Exitech has been an active participant in more than 20 collaborative R&D projects sponsored by the European Union and UK Government in schemes such as ESPRIT, BRITE-EURAM, IST GROWTH, IST EUREKA, LINK, TTP, etc. to help stimulate the take up of innovative microprocessing technologies by industry.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

Exitech Inc.

Oxford Industrial Park,
England, OX5 1QU Yarnton Oxford

Phone: 44 (01865) 290400

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