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WISE S.r.l.

WISE S.r.l.

The company is working on development of neuromodulation for treatment of chronic pain and Parkinson.

WISE S.r.l. (Wiringless Implantable Stretchable Electronics) is a start-up company, created in 2011, having the mission to develop the new generation of leads for neuromodulation for treatment of chronic pain and Parkinson. WISE bases its activity on an innovative and patented technology, named “Supersonic Cluster Beam Implantation” (SCBI - PCT/EP2011/054903), enabling to embed inside of elastomers stretchable circuits capable to resist without electrical failure to extensive deformations of the polymer, as bending and stretching. Furthermore and having very good performances in terms of biocompatibility. WISE is using its proprietary technology for producing a completely new family of leads for neuromodulation (implanted in the spinal cord or brain of patients for treating neurodegenerative diseases) that will be more reliable, less invasive and cheaper compared to existing products: this will make WISE a key player in the NM market.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

WISE S.r.l.

Piazza Duse, 2
20122 Milan

Phone: 39 0256660143

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