Nanotechnology Companies

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ABC Nanotech Co.

About Company

The Nano Technology has emerged as a core technology to create totally different properties by controlling and changing atoms and molecules, which will lead the 21c New Industrial Revolution. The Nano world is being expanded to include almost every sector such as electricity, electronics, semiconductor, environment, functional surface coating, and bio industry. It is already closely connected to our everyday life. In particular, significance of the Nano material industry is getting higher as a basic industry laying the groundwork for the next-generation newest industry. ABCNANOTECH CO.,LTD. will do the best to open new and brighter future.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

ABC Nanotech Co.

L-5 Block Daedeok Techno valley, 551 Yongsan-dong, Yoseong-gu
305-500 Daejeon City

Phone: +82 (42) 936-9001

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