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Aurion Anlagentechnik GmbH

Aurion Anlagentechnik GmbH

AURION Anlagentechnik GmbH was founded by three shareholders at the end of 1996 in order to produce components and complete systems for surface treatment that are efficient, costreducing and ecologically desirable. AURION is located in Seligenstadt, a small town a few miles east of Frankfurt am Main. Currently company employs 12 highly qualified engineers and technicals.

AURION develops and manufactures components for the power supply of plasma systems such as impedance matching networks with automatic tuning, filters, switches, phase splitters, lines and connectors. The activities in this field are mainly focused on RF plasma processes with 13.56 and 27.12 MHz. Components are specific individual high quality solutions, just as required by customers. For that reason AURION is actually delivering key components to large equipment manufacturers. Because of employee's wide experience business division also offers consulting services and training courses in plasma- and RF-technology. The second business division named Plasma systems is based on the know-how from manufacturing components for plasma processes. AURION offers complete systems for plasma assisted surface treatment, that means for surface cleaning and surface modification as well as coating and etching (PVD, PECVD, RIE, Microwave). Based on very flexible modular concept for plasma systems company offers each customer a tailor made solution for his specific demands. Applications are for example fine cleaning of metal or glass and pretreatment of polymer surfaces in order to improve the adherence. Furthermore systems are used in the semiconductor, medical and Microsystems technology, where they can be used for coating and reactive ion etching. AURION also offers radio frequency components. These are Automatic Impedance Matching Networks, switches, filters, power splitters, phase shifters, transmission Lines and Connectors, RF Generators and measurement technology. More detailed information is available on a website.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

Aurion Anlagentechnik GmbH

Am Sandborn 14
63500 Seligenstadt

Phone: +49(0) 6182 96 28 -0

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