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Innovative Bioceramix

Innovative Bioceramix

They use unique bioceramic technologies for dental and orthopaedic applications.

Innovative BioCeramix takes care about developing of innovative dental and orthopaedic applications based on cutting-edge biomaterial technologies. They develope a variety of novel patented bioceramic technologies like amorphous hydroxyapatite nanopracticles,high strength biological calcium phosphate silicate cement and novel injectable biological cements. Their technologies are used in dental and orthopaedic branch such as endodontic treatment, high strength bone cement and bone void filler.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

Innovative Bioceramix

1628 W 75th Avenue
V6P 6G2 Vancouver

Phone: (604)221 6800

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