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Nanostring Technologies

Main Activity in Nanotechnology

Material Manufacturer

About Company

NanoString™ Technologies is developing a patent pending nanotechnology based platform for single molecule identification and digital quantification. The NanoString™ system uniquely barcodes individual target molecules, scans them, and delivers a literal inventory of target molecules in the biological sample. This cutting-edge technology is a truly broadbased platform onto which many applications can be developed, in life sciences or other industries entirely. Applications include gene expression analysis, proteomics, molecular diagnostics and, in the future, predictive, preventative, and personalized medicine.

The NanoString technology was invented at the Institute for Systems Biology (ISB) in the lab of Dr. Leroy Hood in 2000. The company was spun out of the ISB in 2003 when the technology was exclusively licensed to NanoString Technologies. As of April 2005, NanoString Technologies has raised more than $8 million from OVP Venture Partners of Kirkland, WA and Draper Fisher Jurvetson of Menlo Park, CA. Chad Waite of OVP and Jennifer Fonstad of DFJ both sit on the board of directors of NanoString along with Perry Fell, NanoString’s CEO. NanoString Technologies is located on the Elliott Bay waterfront in Seattle, WA and has 19 employees.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

Nanostring Technologies

201 Elliott Ave West, Suite 300
WA, 98119 Seattle

Phone: 1 (206) 378 6266

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