Nanotechnology Companies

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The company aims to generate first level technological knowledge in the production technologies areas and to transfer this knowledge to industrial environment in an efficient manner and facilitate its operation by the industrial fabric.

The Ascamm Private Foundation has been a reference Industrial Technological Centre within Europe for twenty-five years and its vision is the production of its own technology aimed at obtaining high added-value products and the provision of solutions that enable company strategy and innovation management improvement. The company's is mission to generate value in environment through applied R+D, innovation and intensive knowledge services orientated towards improvements in competitiveness and business efficiency in widely differing sectors, such as transport (automotive, including electrical, railway and aeronautics mobility), health (medical instrumentation, equipment and TIC applications), construction, industrial equipment and energy, electrical appliances and consumer electronics, packaging, together with plastic and metal transformation.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |


Avda. Universitat Autònoma, 23
08290 Barcelona

Phone: 34 935 944 700

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