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Monogram Biosciences, Inc.

About Company

Monogram is a leader in developing and commercializing innovative products to help guide and improve the treatment of infectious diseases, cancer and other serious diseases. Our molecular diagnostics and testing services enable:

  • Healthcare providers to optimize treatment regimens for their patients to lead to better outcomes and reduced costs by matching the underlying molecular elements of an individual patient's disease to the drug best able to affect those elements; and
  • Pharmaceutical companies to develop new and improved antiviral therapeutics and vaccines as well as targeted cancer therapeutics more efficiently by providing enhanced patient selection and monitoring capabilities throughout the development process

We have developed HIV tests, or assays, to help make the complexities of antiretroviral therapy easier to manage.

We have also developed oncology products to help accelerate the development of targeted cancer therapeutics.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

Monogram Biosciences, Inc.

345 Oyster Point Blvd.
CA, 94080-1913 South San Francisco

Phone: +1 (650) 635 1100

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