Nanotechnology Companies

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Main Activity in Nanotechnology

Material Manufacturer
Materials Testing and Consultancy

About Company

Lucideon, formerly Ceram, is a leading international provider of materials development, testing and assurance.

Through its offices and laboratories in the UK, US and the Far East, Lucideon provides materials and assurance expertise to clients in a wide range of sectors, including healthcare, construction, ceramics and power engineering.

The company aims to improve the competitive advantage and profitability of its clients by providing them with the expertise, accurate results and objective, innovative thinking that they need to optimise their materials, products, processes, systems and businesses.

Number of Employees



L11.7 Million


Nanopowder characterisation and control as aqueous suspension. Specifically maximising nanopowder solids content whilst retaining suitable rheological properties for subsequent processing (e.g. spraying, dipping, casting, extrusion, spray drying, etc). Expertise in freeze-dry granulation as a route to creating homogenous granulates from nano-suspensions. Supporting analytical techniques include secondary ion mass spectroscopy to analyse the chemistry of coatings at a nano level.

Sales Contact

Customer Liaison Group

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |


Queens Road, Penkhull
Staffordshire, ST4 7LQ Stoke on Trent

Phone: 44 (0) 1782 764428

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