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Nanosignal Corporation

About Company

NanoSignal is currently engaged in the development and interface of SLICES™ for the DICOM compatibility to the Open-end MRI Hitachi system at Desert Radiology. For more details on the Hitachi system please visit Beta testing is scheduled for mid June 2005.

NanoSignal introduces SLICES™ - a state-of-the-art MRI data processing tool that provides significant processing and patient advantages compared to the other imaging softwares of its genre.

NanoSignal Corporation's patented SLICES™ software allows the Radiologist and MRI Technologist to perform advanced imaging features beyond the capabilities of the standard MRI computer. Easy to use artifact removal and image filtering can greatly improve image quality.

Nanosignal's proprietary raw data matrix calculations deliver much more accurate and high precision detail than traditional algorithms used by today's MRI machines. MRA sequences can be easily manipulated via SLICES™, and batch filming can be performed in only a few simple steps. SLICES™ is DICOM compatible and is also compatible with a large number of non-DICOM compliant MRI and digital laser cameras.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

Nanosignal Corporation

345 Southpointe Blvd., Suite 110
PA, 15317 Canonsburg

Phone: 1 (724) 7469476

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