Nanotechnology Companies

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Main Activity in Nanotechnology

Material Manufacturer

About Company

Tin Technology is a subsidiary company of ITRI Ltd (the world’s foremost authority on tin).

Tin Technology has extensive state of the art laboratory facilities and carries out a range of testing and troubleshooting services in areas such as electronics (Soldertec Global), fire testing (Fireproof), steel packaging (Tinplate Group) and surface coating technology (Surfacetec). The company also conducts confidential research and development work on behalf of commercial clients.

Tin Technology also hosts membership-based groups in the key consumption areas of tin, namely electronics soldering (Soldertec Global) and steel packaging (Tinplate Group). These worldwide groups offer members web based information, newsletters, networking meetings, and other benefits including the opportunity to work together in industry specific collaborative research programmes. Laboratory services are offered to member companies at discounted rates.

Through its association with ITRI, Tin Technology also provides its member groups with access to some of the work being carried out on tin sustainability and the challenges of future legislation such as the draft EU New Chemicals regulation (REACH). This is part of a major work programme entitled Ensuring a Future for Tin-A Global Strategy for Sustainability. Regular updates on environmental, regulatory, and legislative issues are sent to members.

Tin is a versatile, non-toxic metal, and has an important role to play in many environmentally friendly technologies. Tin Technology promotes, supports and expands the use of tin through continuous technical and commercial development, and is active in all sectors of tin application including alloys, soldering, tinplate, coatings and chemicals.

Tin Technology is the premier source of tin related information providing the focal point for a substantial network of industry contacts. Strong interaction and communication links exist with users through seminars, conferences and industry-specific group meetings. The company hosts the biennial International Tin Conference, a major international tin industry event which rotates in location between Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Other major events in which the company is actively involved include the International Tinplate and Asian Tinplate Packaging conferences (both co-organised with Metal Bulletin) and the International Lea-Free ElectronicsConference (co-organised with IPC).

Tin Technology is also a majority shareholder in the World Bureau of Metal Statistics Ltd, an internationally recognised organisation involved in the provision of supply and consumption statistics for the world’s metal industries.

Tin Technology has its international headquarters and laboratory facilities located in the UK at Curo Park, Frogmore, St. Albans.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |


Unit 3, Curo Park
Hertfordshire, AL2 2DD Frogmore St. Albans

Phone: 1 (01727) 875 544

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