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About Company

Tydex is a private company founded in 1994 in St. Petersburg - the optical center of Russia. Tydex produces and supplies optical components for research and industry: spectroscopy, lasers, astro-optics, pyrometry and thermography, metrology, X-ray and THz devices... Application wavelength range in terms of used materials, component shapes, and coatings extends from X-rays through VUV, VIS, NIR, MIR, and to THz (MM waves). Some of the products are produced in close association with former state optics-manufacturing enterprises and state institutes. Although Tydex specializes in the custom manufacturing we also offer catalog equivalents.

We ensure full spectrophotometer control from X-rays to 1000 microns as well as interferometer control. The quality of our products is tested with the use of autocollimators, MTF measuring equipment, environmental and other testing instruments.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |


Stavropolskaya str. 10, office 224
191124 St.Petersburg

Phone: +7 (812) 5798047

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