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CSEM Brasil

CSEM Brasil

CSEM Brasil is a private, non-profit, organization, specialized in micro and nanotechnology. CSEM Brasil develops innovative solutions to the Brazilian and international markets. These developments are based on advanced R & D applied to the industrialization of micro and nanotechnology.

CSEM Brasil has the purpose: to develop a structure of innovation similar to the existing in Switzerland and Europe. It was created in 2006, by FIR Capital and by CSEM S.A., with support from the Government of the State of Minas Gerais, through the Minas Gerais State Agency for Research. The CSEM Brazil originated from the successful experience of Switzerland in the way it handled its development challenges. The company acts as a bridge between research and industry, transforming scientific knowledge into products, services and high technology processes. Currently, they have developed a unique infrastructure in Brazil, through technologies.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

CSEM Brasil

Avenida José Cândido da Silveira
2000 Horto

Phone: 55 31 3326 1600

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