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Analytical Tribology Network (ATN)

Analytical Tribology Network (ATN)

The Network of Analytical tribology is a scientific and technical network which promotes international collaboration in the field of innovative products and technologies. Motivation of this company is a comprehensive and detailed characterization of tribological systems with regard to the composition and structure as well as systematic use of state-of-the-art developed analytical methods for the next generation of innovative material systems.

One of the main purposes of the network structure is the promotion of innovative technologies for tribological systems and system components. This aim could be fulfilled through construction and expansion of scientific and technical expertise. Implementation of interdisciplinary competence network as well as development of materials and processes should make tribological systems more competitive on the market of innovations and technologies. The overall objective is defined as the creation, maintenance and development of industrial manufacturing technologies, materials and system solutions. This objective could be gained in every region of the world. Professional team of the network members and local specialists work on different approaches which can make easier the promotion of tribological systems. Those are workshops which cover every time different topics for example. The ATN would like to make its company more functional and international by inviting specialists from all over the world. As every company ATN has its own conditions if you want to be a part of the team. A list of those could be found on a website.

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Analytical Tribology Network (ATN)

Postfach 10 04 42 Muenster

Phone: + 49 5523 9538907

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