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Nanotechnology next Nanotechnology Exhibitions and Events

NANOSMAT Conference, USA 2014

NANOSMAT Conference, USA 2014

Event Opening Date:  19. May 2014

Event Termination Date:  22. May 2014

Houston, USA

NANOSMAT is a premier conference in the field of materials related to Nanoscience, Nano-Engineering and Nanotechnology as well as emerging new research directions in NANO such as Nanobiology, Nanomedicine and economical aspects of NANO. Ignited in 2005 as a nanomaterials conference, NANOSMAT rapidly became a success story and eventually covering now all aspects of NANO.

In Europe, NANOSMAT has been very successfully organized in Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, Poland and Czech Republic. In March 2012, the first NANOSMAT-USA was held in Tampa, Florida and the first NANOSMAT-Asia took place in Wuhan, China in March 2013.

Key HIGHLIGHTS include: Young Scientist Lecture Competition, Poster Competition, Workshops, Expert Panel discussion, Exhibition, Special Sessions, Poster Sessions & Tutorials, NANOSMAT Prize.

We are honored to invite you to participate in the Second NANOSMAT-USA 2014 to be held at the Smalley Institute of Nanoscale Science & Technology, Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA during 19-22 May, 2014.

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